Andringastate, a crematorium in a unique location. “We do not only incinerate the deceased, we also surprise their relatives with everything that we make possible here.”
Jan Klaas Faber, the undertaker who has been in this business since he was 14, has had one dream since he was a boy: his own crematorium. It took a while but it is there now. And how! In Marsum, in the middle of the beautiful, peaceful and quiet fields and openness, lies the small farm Andringastate, a funeral home with a crematorium.
Purchase of the farm
Faber had wanted this for over 20 years, but he experienced that not many municipal authorities were eager to accommodate a crematorium. Although it is a politically sensitive issue in many municipalities, Faber managed to make his dream come true in Marsum.
Once the opportunity was there to open up a crematorium, Faber went to search for a supplier of cremators. “I did of course have connections with a supplier at the time, but they gave me the feeling that I had to be happy that they wanted to work with me. I soon went another way. At some time I was called by Auke Rentenaar of DFW Europe, a name I had never heard of at the time. Any way, Auke was in the area and called in. We immediately clicked and there was a good basis to do business straight away. I then met Jan Keeman and I was ready for business.”
When asked why he was convinced so quickly to do business with DFW Europe, Faber said: “It is the outcome of all matters together. The knowledge, the experience, the willingness to contribute ideas, to be involved, the good price-quality ratio, everyone, from management to engineers, who cooperates, gets their hands dirty and perform what has been agreed. I had the DFW 6000 cremator installed, of course in combination with the automatic insertion machine (AIM)”.
At Andringastate 2 or 3 cremations are carried out per day. It is of utmost importance for Faber that no stagnation occurs, he therefore attaches great importance to the maintenance, the security of the system, and the service that DFW Europe provides. “Everything is running, checked and monitored. You can see it just like that, I buy this cremator and I have to work with it. Just like when you buy a car, it has to work. I do not carry out maintenance on the cremator myself because that is not where my expertise lies. I leave it to professionals who have the technical knowledge and the technical understanding.”